Engaging The Community That Surrounds Us.
What Is LoveLoud?
Too often Christianity is criticized by unbelievers in our communities and neighborhoods because they only hear and witness criticism and condemnation. They hear only what Christianity is against and not what we are for, nor do they hear of the hope that Christ offers.
What they need to hear and witness more of is the love of God deliberately demonstrated in the community. That is what is so exciting about Friendship Baptist Church’s decision to expand and engage our surrounding communities in a relational and relevant fashion. For our outreach to be effective, we need to speak louder than the other voices that are piercing the ears and hearts of our family, friends, and neighbors. FBC has clearly demonstrated the desire to do just that! “Love Loud! WeCare @friendshipchurch” is born out of that realization and the language that we will use to communicate our servant evangelism ministry to you and to those who we hope to reach with the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Scroll down to see the many ways that you can connect with us and serve in local.
Connect With One Of Our LoveLoud Teams
Comfort Dogs
A partnership between K-9 and owner. Bringing comfort to children and adults in all settings; hospitals, nursing homes, special care facilities, etc. Great for you and your dog. Contact Lori and speak with her; "Bailey" may be a challenge to understand.
PowerPuppet Team
Town of Sykesville Partnership
Friendship Baptist Church has partnered with the Town of Sykesville to complete numerous projects that benefit the many friends and neighbors who live in the community. FBC replaced the roof on the main Millard Cooper Park pavilion, purchased and spread 65 yards of safety mulch in the Millard Cooper Park playground and made a cash donation towards the purchase of the Sykesville Police Department storage shed. FBC is continually seeking additional opportunities to assist the Town with projects that will enhance the quality of life and town facilities.
School Partnership
Friendship Baptist Church believes that we need to support both homeschooling and our local public schools in the educating of the children in our community. The children in our church attend the schools and many of our members work in the schools.
Our church currently partners with Carroltown ES, Eldersburg ES, Freedom ES, Linton Springs ES, Piney Run ES. Oklahoma MS, and Sykesville MS providing — Mentoring Programs, Weekend PowerPack Program, Taacher Appreciation Lunches and the LoveLoud Principals Fund.
PowerPack Meals
Weekend Backpack Program — a program that provides food for children in the schools who might not have a meal until they return to school on Monday.
Teacher Appreciation Lunches
FBC hosts annual teacher appreciation lunches at the following schools that surround our church—Carrolltowne ES, Eldersburg ES, Freedom ES, Linton Springs ES, Piney Ridge ES, Sykesville Middle, and Oklahoma Road Middle School. The church provides Chik-Fil-A Party trays, chips, bottled water, and homemade cookies for the schools’ teachers to enjoy.. Since its inception in 2014 more than 5,200 teachers and support staff have been served..
Appalachian Trail Team
This team meets the Appalachian Trail through hikers in Gathland State Park. They provide the hikers Breakfast, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, homemade desserts and trail snacks. There are also numerous opportunities to share the Gospel with the hikers as they rest and enjoy the food.
Spring Break in Sykesville
Fall FunFest in Sykesville
Fall FunFest in Sykesville is a free event sponsored by Friendship Baptist Church. We hosted our first Fall FunFest in Sykesville on Saturday, October 26, 2019. Fall FunFest replaced our Christmas in Cooper Park event that we had hosted each year since 2011.
Like Christmas in Cooper Park and our Spring Break in Sykesville events, Fall FunFest is designed to foster connectivity in the community and to increase the level of awareness within the Sykesville/Eldersburg community for the Town of Sykesville parks and businesses.