Thank you for joining God in His work in this world.
“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
At Friendship Baptist Church we practice tithing of our time, talent and financial resources for the support of Christ's Church and her mission in the world. We recognize that giving at least 10% of our income is the biblical standard for giving. We understand that no one has given an offering until they have first given a tithe (10%) to the Lord's church.
Be assured that any money given to Friendship Baptist Church is used in a way to reflect our mission to honor God by reaching people and developing them into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. The money you give has an eternal impact. We can influence our current generation and generations to come by giving generously to the many ministries at our church. The results reach into our surrounding region and throughout the world.
If you have any questions, please feel free to call the church office 410.442.5506 or email our church office frndship@wecare.org
How Can I Give?
Giving online is quickest and most secure way to give to Friendship Baptist Church. You are not limited by where you are or the day of the week. Give one-time gifts or schedule recurring donations through our secure OnLine Giving page.
On Campus.
You can also give by placing your gift in the offering plate as it passes during any of our Worship Services. Giving envelopes are available for members. Envelopes can also be found in the back of the seats in the Worship Area.
If you prefer you can mail a check straight to us to Friendship Baptist Church, 1391 Sykesville Road, Sykesville, MD #21784.