
Intentional Caring Relationships.

Children’s Ministry — PreK to 5th Grade


Intentional Caring Relationships.

A child's world is made up of relationships, and we want to ensure each child has the opportunity to develop personal friendships with God and other children. Our children's ministries are lead by committed volunteers who work with each child to help them learn about God and His love for them.

Our curriculum, The Gospel Project, takes us through the Bible every 3 years in a chronological engaging way.

There are many opportunities for your child to learn about the message of God's love.  We minister to all of the children using a simple, delightful enlightening approach.

Coordinator: Laura Gulley

For more information click here to email Laura Gulley

connect on campus.

  • PowerKidz Hour coincides with Adult GrowGroups to provide children the opportunity to learn about God's Word in a relevant and engaging environment. The format is designed to encourage an appreciation and love for God's Word and to build intentional relationships.

    An engaging large group teaching time will kick off each Sunday School hour promptly at 9:45am with exciting songs, video based bible lessons and interaction with a large group leader. Then children disperse to grade appropriate classrooms for deeper learning. Most classrooms are located on the lower level of the building.

    Lifeway's The Gospel Project curriculum will take children PK4 through Grade 5 thru the entire Bible once every three years. Your child will be eager to return.

  • Children's Worship begins at 11:00am on Sundays and introduces children to the worship of God using music, prayer, puppetry, drama and learning activities. There are two levels of instruction - age 5 thru grade 2 and grades 3-5. Children will be dismissed shortly after announcements during the 11:00am worship service. Rooms are located on the 1st floor of the building:

    Room #115 -- Ages 5 thru Grade 2

    Room #102 -- Grades 3 to 5

    Lifeway's The Gospel Project Worship will take children PK4 through Grade 5 thru the entire Bible once every three years. Your child will be eager to return.

  • Awana reaches kids for Christ through fun, Scripture-rich experiences that lead them to know, love and serve Him.

    Kids represent the greatest opportunity to make a long-term impact on our world for Christ. Offered through local churches, community groups and homes, Awana reaches kids where they’re at and walks alongside them in their faith journey. Those kids who come to faith at an early age discover God’s purpose for their lives and hope for the future. Ministry leaders and parents witness the profound impact Awana has in reaching kids with the gospel and watching them grow as long-term disciples. That’s why so many families and leaders have returned year after year, week after week, for more than three generations.

    Thrilling Summer Nights Beginning in May

    PowerKidz Kamp is a faith-based summer camp where children age 3 thru grade 5 can get a camp-like experience with age-appropriate lessons, Bible verse memorization, music and games.

    PowerKidz Kamp begins immediately following our AWANA session - End of May through August.

    All children and friends are welcome. Mark your calendars as the summer will be here before you know it!

connect at home.

Connect at Home equips parents to intentionally connect with their children and the Bible stories their children experienced during the Sunday morning on-campus PowerKidz Hour and Children’s Worship. Don’t miss out! Stay connected as families to grow in faith & love as individuals and together.

“But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.’”
(Matthew 19:14, NLT)

Mar 30 - New Unit - God Guides His People
“Taking the Land” - Joshua 10-11

Bible Story Video: Ages Birth to Age 3

Bible Story Video: Ages PreK4 to 5th Grade

Children’s Worship Bible Video Lesson: K to Grade 5

Questions From Kids

What Is The Gospel Project?