Welcome to Friendship Baptist Church!
We're so glad you found us. Sunday mornings at Friendship Baptist Church provides opportunities for people of all ages to experience Faith—Family—Friends.
We know that visiting a church for the first time can be a bit overwhelming, and we want to make it as simple as we can for you. We've found that most people have one or more of the questions below. So browse through them, and if you still have questions, don't hesitate to call (410) 442.5506 or email us before you visit us for the first time.
Jesus is Wonderful,
Mark Massey, Senior Pastor
What Can I Expect?
We gather together as a family every Sunday so we can be equipped to scatter together across our community during the week. Our Sundays feature relevant biblical teaching that speaks directly to all facets of life, relevant music that features contemporary worship songs with upbeat traditional hymns of the faith creating a balance of worship styles that help us to encounter and worship God, and relevant, age-appropriate groups.
No dress code! We welcome everything from blue jeans and t-shirts to suits and ties, and everything in between. Come dressed comfortably.
For your convenience, there are reserved “Guest Parking” spaces for visitors available immediately in front of the entry doors. There is ample parking available on our campus.
There are also missional community groups that meet throughout the week, who are on mission together to make disciples of Jesus in the places where we live, work and play.
Thanks for taking the time to visit our site. We hope you’ll visit us in person soon. Our goal is to make Friendship Baptist Church a place for you to continue taking steps in your faith journey.
What Is The Sunday Schedule?
Our schedule meets the needs of all ages.
Regular Worship Service: 8:15am (Childcare Available Newborn To 4yrs Old)
Sunday Morning GrowGroups (All Ages): 9:45am to 10:45am
Regular Worship Service: 11:00am (Childcare Available Newborn To 4yrs Old)
Student Worship Service (Grades 6 to 12): 11:00am
Children's Worship Service (Pre-K to 5th): 11:00am
Free donuts and fresh Dunkin Donuts Coffee are available for everyone from 8:00am to 12:15pm in our Canopy Café under the portico.
Where Should I Go First?
When you arrive you will be greeted at our front door by a member of our Welcome Team. Please stop by our Welcome Desk in the main lobby. Our friendly staff there will tell you about our Sunday Morning GrowGroup Bible Studies for all ages, and answer your questions. When you visit prior to Sunday school, you’ll be greeted by church members who will give you information about the various class listings for adults (and children) and escort you and your family to your Sunday Bible Study classes. If you are joining us for Worship, you’ll find volunteers eager to meet you and tell you more about our congregation. Helping you find your way to your destination is the goal of our Welcome Team.
A child's world is made up of relationships, and we want to ensure each child has the opportunity to develop personal friendships with God and other children. Our children's ministries are lead by committed volunteers who work with each child to help them learn about God and His love for them.
There are many opportunities for your child to learn about the message of God's love. We minister to all of the children using a simple, delightful enlightening approach. Promiseland is built around God's love and biblical truth. It provides a safe and enjoyable place where every child can grow in their relationships with each other and God.
We provide childcare for all services Sunday morning. There are separate nurseries based on age. During worship services, we share the love of Jesus through bible stories, playing, rocking, and caring for the needs of children. Promiseland is available for you:
Sunday Worship Services 8:15 & 11:00am
Sunday School at 9:45am
Learn more about PromisedLand
Coordinator: Laura Gulley Send Email lgulley@wecare.org
PowerKidz Hour occurs on Sunday morning from 9:45 to 10:45. PowerKidz Hour consists of relevant large group teaching featuring video and music for the first 20 minutes. The children than breakout into age-appropriate small groups. Learn more about Power Kidz Hour.
We have created a worship experience just for kids that happens simultaneous to our main worship gathering at 11:00am. Learn more about Children’s Church.
GrowGroup Bible Studies for all ages feature the Gospel Project by Lifeway Publishing.
We encourage middle school and high school age students to join the student worship service located in the SALT House (Lower Level) at 11:00. Learn more about FBC Student Ministry.
Adult GrowGroups
The Bible says, that life is to be experienced in relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. As a result, our vision is to have everyone who attends Friendship Baptist Church intentionally connected to one another on a weekly basis through biblical-caring communities that promote transformation, caring relationships, prayer & a missionary-mindset that compels us to serve and see others introduced to Jesus.
GrowGroups meet from 9:45am to 10:45am. There are a variety of topics and groups for your consideration.
Our Campus.
We hope this video of our church campus and parking will help you to plan your first visit with us.