serve in the church.
At Friendship Baptist Church there are numerous opportunities for you to use your giftedness to serve and minister to others within our church family. Please take a moment to review a brief description of the ministries that are currently available.
Caring & Flowers Ministry
Caring & Flowers Ministry provides encouragement and comfort to people in times of crisis or sorrow.
Children's Worship Ministry
Children's Worship Ministry is offered to children age 5 through grade 5 at 11:00am on Sundays; a younger age group (age 5-2nd gr.) and older age group (3rd-5th gr.). Leaders serve about every 4th week as a team leading prayer, music from videos, puppet skits, etc. All worship curriculum and materials are provided to each team, weekly.
Church Office Support
Church Office Support Ministry works closely with the church's Office Manager and Office Assistant to prepare for weekly services and special events. No computer skills necessary and individuals can volunteer as their personal schedule permits.
Canopy Cafe' Coffee Fellowship Team
Canopy Café’ Coffee Fellowship Team serves God by serving others each Sunday morning. Coffee, tea, fruit and donuts are provided and the volunteers on this Ministry team prepare the items for everyone to enjoy between 7:45am and 12:30pm. Set up begins around 7:15 am.
Computer & Networking Support Ministry
Computer & Networking Support Ministry provides technical advice & support to the church staff. Technicians maintain and upgrade our computer network, server, LAN, broadband Internet access, system backups and virus software protection.
Creative Crafts
Creative Crafts Ministry creates lovely, scrumptious, inventive crafts to enhance the impact of other ministries' outreach endeavors; handmade cookies, candies, bath soaps & beads, bookmarks, recycled & reinvented items from Christmas cards, etc. The ladies of this Ministry work on as needed projects to boost another ministry's effectiveness.
Decorating Ministry
Decoration Ministry these folk work together to adorn the auditorium and building with seasonal decorations for Christmas & Easter.
Delightful Surprise Ministry
Delightful Surprise Ministry has the pleasure of returning a visit to our local first-time visitors. The Ministry has "Bakers" which create individual goodies for inclusion in an information packet which will be delivered by the "Visitation Team". This Team is available to answer questions at the door, or leave the packet as a "surprise".
Family Fold Ministry
Family Fold Ministry is a ministry of encouragement to church families and our visitors. Family Fold acknowledges the birth of a child within a family. It also arranges for gifts to all moms and dads on their special day each year.
Fellowship Minstry
Fellowship Ministry is made up of a group of gregarious folk who love to serve and foster a warm, inviting atmosphere for visitors and church family! They provide & prepare a monthly dinner for the congregation, and are the go-to folk when it comes to preparing food for special community events.
Garden Ministry
The Garden Ministry is an opportunity to get your hands a little dirty and exercise your green thumb. Team members care for small garden plots as well as the planting bed and pots along the sidewalk at the entrance to the church building.
Greeter & Usher Ministry
Greeter/Usher Ministry is just that, greeting everyone on Sunday mornings with a broad smile & firm handshake. Their pleasant disposition helps everyone prepare their heart for worship and to receive the Word of God. The Ushers not only greet & meet, but they seat and assist folk attending Sunday worship. They survey the auditorium before each service to make sure it is in good order, distribute bulletins, collect the offering, and count attendance.
Media Center Ministry (Library)
Media Center Ministry (Library) provides Christian discipleship, education and entertainment resources to all ages of folk in the fellowship. A borrowing program much like the public library is in place and volunteers serve on a flexible schedule each week.
Parking Ministry
Parking Ministry are the first folk to give a "look...word...touch" to everyone entering the parking lot. They are greatly needed during the multiple services scheduled at Christmas & Easter. Safety and efficiency are the result of their decisionmaking abilities.
Photography Team
Photography Team takes snap shots of special events at church; i.e., graduate recognition, parent/child dedication service, baptisms, special guests, etc. All you will need is your favorite camera!
Power Kidz Hour
Power Kidz Hour is a large-group experience conducted each Sunday morning for children age 4 through grade 5. Lots of Bible-based stories, videos, music, skits, puppets, prizes, etc. before being dismissed to their classrooms.
Power Kidz Kamp
Power Kidz Kamp is summer fun for children age 3 - grade 5. Stories, games, videos are just part of this active ministry which meets each Wednesday night. Volunteers team up for different tasks. The hour-long program just flies by!
Prayer In Action Team
Prayer In Action Teams are just that, faith in action. Folk can join a Prayer Chain, or be on a Sunday worship team, or be involved in the Monthly Prayer Walk (Spring - Fall). Always Say a Prayer (ASAP) is their motto.
PromiseLand Preschool Ministry
PromiseLand Preschool Ministry is built around God's love and Biblical truth in a hands-on enviroment ministering to children from infancy to age 4 on Sunday and Wednesdays. Your loving arms for BIG hugs are always a plus. During time with the children volunteers read, & teach, play and do crafts. Safety is important so all volunteers are required to have a background check performed.
Student Ministry (Grades 6 to 12)
Student Ministry for Grades 6-12 has many chances for teens to learn about God, His Bible, and their peers during each week; here are a few: Friday Night Fellowship (fun, food, & life discussions)...Sunday Growgroups for studying the Bible...Praise Team and Band lead Sunday Student Worship. Volunteer leaders cultivate an environment which is relational while leading students to develop prayerful dependence on God, and showing them chances for outreach. A sense of humor and respect for students is the hallmark of these leaders.
Vacation Bible Week
Vacation Bible Week is huge at Friendship! An average of 75 folk help each summer to bring a themed-Gospel message to children and adults. A boisterous opening Rally is held each night (Sunday thru Thursday) followed by crafts, snacks, and classroom time which are all scheduled between 7-9pm. Decorations abound depending on the theme; outer space, under the ocean, sports. And, on the last night a closing Raffle is held for the kids (sorry adults).
WeCare Calling Ministry
Welcome Desk Ministry
Welcome Desk Ministry stocks, organizes, displays and distributes all sorts of information specific to Friendship, and helpful tracts and booklets on various topics. The folk behind the Desk have a general knowledge of Friendship and willingly respond to any inquiry posed to them.